Pyro Tower Appearance

Our goal is to create a simple and safe coating that is free of toxins that can be easily maintained by our customers. Most alternative grills and fire pits use variations of paint and powder coating that chip and rust over time and degrade when exposed to high temperatures of fire. These modern finishes can be difficult and expensive to repair.

Every part of the Pyro Tower is hand-rubbed with an FDA Approved polymerized linseed oil to provide a safe and natural finish to protect the raw steel from moisture and is designed to delay the natural rusting process. This initial coating of oil combined with the natural "mill scale" of the steel will offer protection from moisture during the shipping process and initial assembly. After the first burn in the Pyro Tower it will be necessary to apply a light coating of oil to the exterior surfaces to begin the "seasoning" process of the steel.

The Pyro Tower finish is very similar to cast iron cookware. The repeated coats of oil and the process of heating the steel will oxidize the oil coating to continue to build layers of protection to form a naturally hydrophobic coating. Simple chemistry shows us that water and oil don't mix and the unique design of the Pyro Tower helps it shed water easily and dry quickly.

Maintaining the Pyro Tower Finish

If you wish to preserve the look of the Pyro Tower’s original appearance then it will be necessary to periodically inspect and reapply the oil as it will degrade over time due to UV exposure from the sun. Simply clean the Pyro Tower with a dry cloth or warm water if necessary. Allow to dry completely. Use a staining pad or cloth rag to apply a very thin layer of food-safe polymerized linseed oil to all surfaces. Thoroughly buff when done to remove excess oil to prevent a gummy finish. The entire process can be completed in less than five minutes.

What happens if you missed a spot and rust begins to develop? No worries! Simply use a piece of steel wool or an abrasive scrubbing pad to remove the rust and wipe clean with a dry cloth. Apply some oil over the area and you're done! The thickness of the steel means it will never "rust through" and it's never too late to make it look like new again.

You can also choose to allow the Pyro Tower to age beautifully through the natural Patina process.

The Patina Process

It's important to understand the nature of raw steel and the unique ways in which it will age over time. Patina is a natural weathering process which occurs when metal is exposed to oxygen and moisture that will gradually change bare steel from a bluish gray color to a dark reddish brown. This natural process varies the appearance of each piece making every Pyro unique. 

Patina vs. Rust

This is a bit like geometry where a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square. It's true that rust is a part of the patina process but whereas rust has a well-deserved negative connotation a mature patina is actually a natural protective coating that will preserve the integrity of the underlying metal.

The Pyro is constructed from 3/16" plate steel that is three to five times thicker than grills and fire pits from other manufacturers. The surface rust that forms in the early stages of the patina process will not rust through the thicker steel of the Pyro as it will on thinner metal and will gradually convert into an aesthetically pleasing protective shell that will last for decades.

One thing to note is that water runoff during the early stages of the patina process can stain wood, concrete, or other light colored surfaces so keep that in mind when selecting the location for your Pyro.

While patina is a natural process that can take months to complete you can choose to accelerate or delay the changes.